El último fin de semana de septiembre vuelve a Castalla el
Encuentro de Forjadores. En esta segunda edición del Encuentro, sus
participantes han trascendido el ámbito nacional para ampliarse al
Internacional. A los cuarenta y ocho profesionales de la forja
provenientes de Ucrania, la República Checa, Suiza, Rusia, Francia y, por
supuesto España, se les unirán veintidós alumnos de
“la Escuela de Forja Alejandro Cremades”, también de distintos países. En
total, setenta participantes, el doble que en la primera edición, en un evento
que comienza el viernes 28 de septiembre y finaliza el domingo 30.
El Encuentro Internacional de Forjadores de
Castalla, es un evento bianual, organizado por el Excmo. Ayuntamiento de
Castalla y coorganizado y dirigido por el escultor Alejandro Cremades,
creador del estudio de arte en metal “Hierro y Fuego” y la
escuela-taller “Alejandro Cremades”. El Encuentro nació con la intención
de dar visibilidad a un oficio artesano que no debe perderse y tiene el reto de
sobrevivir explorando nuevos públicos y nuevos caminos creativos. Cremades
resalta “La sensibilidad del Ayuntamiento de Castalla y su Concejalía de
Cultura ya que, apoyando desde 2016 este Encuentro están ayudando a hacer
visible un oficio del que ya quedan pocos artesanos, además, el Encuentro
también quiere servir para ampliar los horizontes profesionales del oficio,
creando e impulsando nuevos caminos”.
El viernes 28 de septiembre a las
15:30 comenzará oficialmente en Castalla (Alicante) este II Encuentro
de Forjadores que finaliza el domingo 30 de septiembre a las 14:00 horas.
Los setenta forjadores españoles y extranjeros - liderados por el creador
del Encuentro, Alejandro Cremades-, realizarán en la plaza del Ayuntamiento una
gran escultura forjada durante estos tres días. El público podrá disfrutar en
directo del trabajo en las fraguas, yunques y las herramientas específicas de
esta disciplina, así como de la pericia de estos representantes de la forja
El momento más emocionante será el sábado por la noche a las 20:30
horas cuando Cremades prenda fuego al envoltorio de
papel tras cuya quema aparecerá entonces la escultura madre, que se completará
con todas las demás esculturas que se irán realizando durante el fin de
semana. La escultura lleva como lema “El trabajo” y estará
compuesta por abejas, símbolo del trabajo en equipo, otros insectos y flores
autóctonas de la zona. Para conocer más ampliamente el trabajo individual
de cada herrero, en la “Casa del Fester” se podrán admirar y adquirir
obras originales de los forjadores profesionales participantes en este
Castalla vuelve a arropar este evento único para la
Comunidad Valenciana con multitud de actividades culturales desde conciertos,
coros y danzas, exposiciones como Art al balcó, etc., que harán
descubrir a los visitantes del Encuentro de Forjadores los encantos de esta
localidad, su cultura, su historia y su gastronomía. Como resultado de todo
esto, los organizadores esperan superar ampliamente los más de veinte mil
visitantes que obtuvo el Encuentro en 2016.
Más información: hierroyfuego@hotmail.es
In the last
weekend of September the centre of Castalla will resound with the clang of
heavy hammers on large anvils, as more than fifty blacksmith from all over
Europe will work together to learn from each other while creating a sculpture
for the village. Two years ago the Town Hall of Castalla together with the
local school for blacksmiths “Alejandro Cremades” organised a similar event,
and this proved so succesfull that they decided to make it into a bi-annual event.
In this second encounter you can see 48 profesionals and 22 students at work in
the main square of Castalla. They come from the Ukraine, Czech Republic,
Switzerland, Russia, France and, of course, from all over Spain.
Some years ago the local blacksmith and sculptor Alejandro Cremades started his studio “Hierro y Fuego” (Iron and Fire) in Castalla and began teaching his art to interested students. His workshop and school “Alejandro Cremades” grew, but he felt that more was needed to protect the craft of blacksmithing from extinction. He wanted to bring the craft closer to the general public and explore new and more creative ways of forging. Luckily the cultural department of the Town Hall of Castalla was very willing to help and support this idea, offering space and money to make a massive meeting of blacksmiths possible.
On Friday. the 28th of Septembre, this II Encuentro de Forjadores starts at 3:30 pm and will go on till midday (well, Spanish midday, i.e. 2 o'clock) on Sunday. In those three days more than 70 blacksmiths will work together on a sculpture, designed and supervised by Alejandro Cremades, in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento of Castalla. The people can walk around and see them at work at their forges, anvils and other typical tools of the profesion.
The most spectacular moment will be on Saturday around 8:30 pm, when they will set fire to the papers that cover the central structure of the sculpture, that Alejandro Cremades has already prepared, and to which the bits and pieces created by the participants will be added, to form one great work of art. The scuplture is called "El trabajo" (the job) and will consist of bees, as an appropiate symbol of teamwork, and many flowers indigenous to the area. Each participant will make some part of this sculpture, to his own design, but following the general directives of Alejandro Cremades. But all of them will also exhibit some of their own work, that can be seen (and bought!) in the nearby "Casa del Fester".
To attract even more visitors (they hope to better the results form 2016, when it is said that some 20.000 people visited the event), the Town Hall has organised concerts, folk dancing and singing and exhibitions, so that visitors of the Encuentro de Forjadores will also get to know the other attractions of Castalla, its culture, history and gastronomy.
Some years ago the local blacksmith and sculptor Alejandro Cremades started his studio “Hierro y Fuego” (Iron and Fire) in Castalla and began teaching his art to interested students. His workshop and school “Alejandro Cremades” grew, but he felt that more was needed to protect the craft of blacksmithing from extinction. He wanted to bring the craft closer to the general public and explore new and more creative ways of forging. Luckily the cultural department of the Town Hall of Castalla was very willing to help and support this idea, offering space and money to make a massive meeting of blacksmiths possible.
On Friday. the 28th of Septembre, this II Encuentro de Forjadores starts at 3:30 pm and will go on till midday (well, Spanish midday, i.e. 2 o'clock) on Sunday. In those three days more than 70 blacksmiths will work together on a sculpture, designed and supervised by Alejandro Cremades, in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento of Castalla. The people can walk around and see them at work at their forges, anvils and other typical tools of the profesion.
The most spectacular moment will be on Saturday around 8:30 pm, when they will set fire to the papers that cover the central structure of the sculpture, that Alejandro Cremades has already prepared, and to which the bits and pieces created by the participants will be added, to form one great work of art. The scuplture is called "El trabajo" (the job) and will consist of bees, as an appropiate symbol of teamwork, and many flowers indigenous to the area. Each participant will make some part of this sculpture, to his own design, but following the general directives of Alejandro Cremades. But all of them will also exhibit some of their own work, that can be seen (and bought!) in the nearby "Casa del Fester".
To attract even more visitors (they hope to better the results form 2016, when it is said that some 20.000 people visited the event), the Town Hall has organised concerts, folk dancing and singing and exhibitions, so that visitors of the Encuentro de Forjadores will also get to know the other attractions of Castalla, its culture, history and gastronomy.
Comunicación y Gestión Cultural
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677 08 73 05
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