Pierre Raby, reside en Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Este jardín inprovicado, según el autor, es un óleo sobre lienzo, parece increíble
Improvised garden /jardin improvidado
"Improvised garden" Oil on masonite, 7-1/2 x 10 inches
(click on image for larger view)
Days are still on the cool side here, while a revigorating sun announces the passage to the next cycle. With the increasing of movements of all sorts around the world, it's getting hard and deeply challenging trying to follow on a linear mode. Feels like all the cycles are merging into a very confusing pattern.
Aside a state of awareness, a transcendent vision is now required to make sense of the bigger picture. I wish of being able someday to translate that strange harmony perceived behind the chaotic and oftenly clashing appearance of things.
Music in the studio today:
(click on the links to listen)
Eluvium - Genius and the thieves
Jon Hopkins - The Wider Sun
Old Canes - Both Falling Bright
James Vincent McMorrow - This Old Dark Machine
Max Richter - 11 - A Candle And Hald A Pear
Have a beautiful weekend!
Thanks for your visit.
Posted by Pierre Raby at 7:27 PM 14 comments Links to this post
Labels: Available, Still Life
Friday, 11 March, 2011