(Revista digital de ARTE, CULTURA Y OPINIÓN DESDE ALICANTE. Nuevoimpulso.net
Revista digital de arte, cultura y opinión en Alicante. Enlace con POESIA PALMERIANA. En estas páginas no podemos estar ajenos a lo que pasa en España ni en el mundo. Dirigida por el escritor, poeta y pintor Ramón PALMERAL. Los lectores deciden si este blog es bueno, malo, o merece la pena leerlo. El periodismo consiste en decir lo que a algunos no les gustaría leer.
miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011
El hiperrealimos de Pierre Raby
Pierre Raby, reside en Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Este jardín inprovicado, según el autor, es un óleo sobre lienzo, parece increíble
Improvised garden /jardin improvidado
"Improvised garden" Oil on masonite, 7-1/2 x 10 inches
(click on image for larger view)
Days are still on the cool side here, while a revigorating sun announces the passage to the next cycle. With the increasing of movements of all sorts around the world, it's getting hard and deeply challenging trying to follow on a linear mode. Feels like all the cycles are merging into a very confusing pattern.
Aside a state of awareness, a transcendent vision is now required to make sense of the bigger picture. I wish of being able someday to translate that strange harmony perceived behind the chaotic and oftenly clashing appearance of things.
Music in the studio today:
(click on the links to listen)
Eluvium - Genius and the thieves
Jon Hopkins - The Wider Sun
Old Canes - Both Falling Bright
James Vincent McMorrow - This Old Dark Machine
Max Richter - 11 - A Candle And Hald A Pear
Have a beautiful weekend!
Thanks for your visit.
Posted by Pierre Raby at 7:27 PM 14 comments Links to this post
Labels: Available, Still Life
Friday, 11 March, 2011